Dealing with Cyber Crime – Would your business know how to respond
They say there are two certainties in life, death and taxes. I would suggest that there are now three. Death, taxes and being confronted with cybercrime. It is not uncommon to hear the phrase cybercrime or cyberterrorism being used in the media and how another major company has been hacked. Yet many people are still unsure exactly what constitutes cybercrime and whether they may have been a victim.
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Security Bangkok 2019 Cyber Security and Risk Summit
Introduction to Cyber Security•What is Cyber Security? •Risks with Cyber Security such as Viruses and Malware.Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies•What is Blockchain?•What are the Security Impacts of Blockchain?•What are Cryptocurrencies?•Recommendations on protecting your Cryptocurrencies
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Microsoft Windows 10 USB Forensic Artefacts
As the capacity of USB storage devices continues to increase and the price decreases, USB forensics will often play an important part in many forensic investigations. Add to the mix a range of mobile devices such as smart phones, tablets, digital cameras and the ease of connectivity means that there are a lot of USB artifacts to be found if we know where to look. For example in Windows 7, the Microsoft-Windows-DriverFrameworks-UserMode%4Operational.evtx log file contains useful information such as time stamps for the connection and disconnection of USB removable drives.
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Open Forum “Handling Electronic Data That May be Used as Evidence”
A joint open forum by Orion Investigations Co Ltd & ICT Law Center, a member of ETDA Handling Electronic Data That May be Used as Evidence
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Digital Evidence Assists in Oscar Pistorius Murder Trial
Many people around the world have been following the trial of Oscar Pistorius who is accused of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp. Digital evidence extracted from the girlfriend’s mobile phone has provided intimate insights into the couple’s volatile relationship.
Read MoreTurning to the Dark Side – The Dangers of Using Mobile Devices for Business
Turning to the Dark Side – The Dangers of Using Mobile Devices for Business With the introduction of the iPad in 2010, the tablet quickly emerged as one of the fastest selling devices in history. Tablets have achieved a level of adoption in 3 years that took smartphones nearly 10 years to achieve. In 2013, the adoption of smartphones in the US surged to 64 % according to the latest Nielsen survey.
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AFG looks at Employee Fraud
The Automotive Focus Group (AFG) invited Orion Investigations to address the group on the subject of employee fraud. This turned out to be one of the most interesting lectures held this year.
The presentation was an informative introduction to employee fraud based on the hands-on experience of the three commercial investigation practitioners, Steve Morrissey, Andrew Smith and Peter Holmshaw. It was also interesting that Orion Investigations had gone from five employees 10 years ago, to 92 today.

Mobile Forensics-Orion Forensics Thailand
Orion Investigations are proud to announce that they have now expanded their mobile forensic capabilities with the purchase of the Cellebrite UFED Touch Ultimate and UFED CHINEX add-on.
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Using Digital Evidence in Thai Courts
Introduction Computer forensics or digital forensics as it is now commonly called, is still in its infancy in Thailand but that is about to change. For the past two years I have regularly searched on the keywords “computer forensics Thailand.
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