With the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard trial currently underway and being broadcast live around the world, I thought now would be an appropriate time to discuss what an expert witness is and what their role & responsibilities are.
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Digital Forensics Training to Tokio Marine Life Insurance (Thailand) PCL.
Orion Forensics was invited to conduct a 2-day course training to Tokio Marine Life Insurance (Thailand) PCL. On the first day was an online class ,The training course was Digital Evidence – Unlocking the Secrets, which is a theory course throughout the training. The 2nd day of Training was an In-House Class, which is Workshop class – Forensic Techniques for Auditor -This course is a one day workshop for It /Auditor /Fraud Analyst or those who working on fraud investigations or Who works related to digital evidence. the event hold on 3rd-4th March 2022 .The Location is S31 Sukhumvit Hotel.
Orion Forensics would like to thank Tokio Marine Life Insurance (Thailand) PCL. for giving us the opportunity to lecture and educate employees to upskill of digital forensics and are able to apply digital forensics techniques to adapt to the current work.
Course Training Activity
Day1 (Online Class ,Participants 26 Person).
Day 2 (In-House Class, Participants 15 Person).
All Course Training CLICK
Read MoreOrion Forensics LAB Signed MOU with Korat Institute of Technology and Enterprise (KITE)
Andrew Smith- Director of Computer Forensics at Orion Forensics Lab has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mr.Muhamad Arshad from Korat Institute of Technology and Enterprise (KITE) ,Thailand On September 14,2020
The purpose of this MOU is for co-branded training programs for entry-level cyber-crime investigators in Pakistan and elsewhere .
All digital Forensics training course CLICK
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Why is Digital Forensics Important to your Organization?
In today’s fast paced world, organisations have to rely more and more heavily on technology to remain competitive. Customers have come to expect organisations to have an online presence with professional looking websites, be able to respond quickly to online enquiries, have online chat functionality and have the ability to order online.
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Dealing with Cyber Crime – Would your business know how to respond
They say there are two certainties in life, death and taxes. I would suggest that there are now three. Death, taxes and being confronted with cybercrime. It is not uncommon to hear the phrase cybercrime or cyberterrorism being used in the media and how another major company has been hacked. Yet many people are still unsure exactly what constitutes cybercrime and whether they may have been a victim.
Read MoreTurning to the Dark Side – The Dangers of Using Mobile Devices for Business
Turning to the Dark Side – The Dangers of Using Mobile Devices for Business With the introduction of the iPad in 2010, the tablet quickly emerged as one of the fastest selling devices in history. Tablets have achieved a level of adoption in 3 years that took smartphones nearly 10 years to achieve. In 2013, the adoption of smartphones in the US surged to 64 % according to the latest Nielsen survey.
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Using Digital Evidence in Thai Courts
Introduction Computer forensics or digital forensics as it is now commonly called, is still in its infancy in Thailand but that is about to change. For the past two years I have regularly searched on the keywords “computer forensics Thailand.
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